In-Person Events
Nothing confirmed yet but check back often. Better yet, subscribe to stay in the loop!
Virtual Events
The Pledge as written can seem uncompromising and, as the originators acknowledge, living by it can result in unintended, negative consequences such as further alienating us from our non-vegan friends and family members. We believe there are ways to integrate its spirit into our day-to-day lives in a way that feels authentic and nurtures relationships. Let’s further explore our options and support each other as we figure out how we want to celebrate this holiday season.
We’re so pleased to be part of this event! Suzanne McAllister and I are scheduled to speak on Thursday, November 16th at 2pm on how to enjoy our time with loved ones this holiday season while we stay in our integrity. Link below for event information.
Enjoy this video presentation entitled
Compassionate Disagreement
I recently presented along with Suzanne McAllister for We Did It, a group committed to creating a happy, healthy, vegan world. Enjoy!
If you’d like to schedule a separate zoom meeting for your vegan group or for yourself, please contact me via email: anne”at”
Past Events
The original Liberation Pledge is:
“Pledge to live vegan, and refuse to sit where animals’ bodies are being eaten.”
I don’t know about you, but for the longest time it didn’t occur to me that this was even an option! Earlier this month, we briefly reviewed some of our options in our “5 Tips for Dining with Non-Vegans” meetup. This time, we’re diving deeper into just one – The Liberation Pledge.
On October 14, 2023, Suzanne McAllister, Ph.D and I will speak at the world-renowned Main Street Vegan Academy! This is a premier vegan lifestyle workshop run by bestselling author, Victoria Moran. We’re so honored and excited! To learn more about the academy, click the link.
Have you ever been invited to a cookout or, worse, a pig-roast? Have you ever sat across from a dear friend while they casually nibbled on one animal part or another? Have you ever had to listen to someone extol (again) the wonders of bacon? Are you dreading Thanksgiving? Dining with non-vegans is, for most of us, a routine part of life. Join us to explore how you can address these concerns with, if not ease, then at least a strong and healthy state of mind.
Learn how to embrace your natural curiosity to support connection and honest exploration.
The Risk of Speaking Up
Sunday, April 16, 2023 4:30-6 pm EST
If you’re vegan, you’ve no doubt experienced that queasy feeling in the pit of your stomach when you’re about to speak up about veganism to non-vegans. It’s a risk because we’re the outliers, speaking against the status quo and it can be a very vulnerable place to be. Let’s meet up so we can support each other and talk about how we can take care of ourselves so we’re prepared to take these risks. Space is limited so sign up on MeetUp ASAP. If plans change, change your status to open a spot for others. The Zoom link will be sent to you on the day of the event.
How to Speak for Those Who Cannot Speak for Themselves
Sunday, March 19, 2023 5-6pm EST
Why do we advocate for animals? It’s certainly not an easy thing to do in a world that overlooks the victimization required to maintain a broken system. It can feel uncomfortable and awkward to share what we believe and to ask others to question what they believe. In this session, we’ll explore why and how to speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves.
Free tips on how to disagree with style
Sunday, February 19, 2023 4-5pm EST
1-hour zoom session to support you in addressing the sometimes frustrating or unsatisfying conversations that come up when you’re vegan in a non-vegan world.
Pre-Thanksgiving Support Meeting
Sunday, November 20 from 4:30 to 6:00pm
Join Anne and Suzanne for an interactive meeting. Get feedback on your most troubling conversations as you approach the holiday season. Explore uplifting visions of a post-animal-use world.
American Vegan Center
Sunday, October 23, 2-3pm
17 N Second Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106
Meet Anne and Suzanne at the Center to learn and practice ways to talk about veganism in a way people can hear so we can all explore and move toward a post-animal-use world. Details on this special presentation are forthcoming here and on the American Vegan Center’s website at: Click on “Connect” and “AVS” Events.
Celebrate World Day for Farmed Animals with PAUW and CWAFV
Sunday, October 2nd from 5 to 6pm
Join Anne and Suzanne of The Post-Animal-Use World (PAUW) Project and Conversations with a Friendly Vegan (CWAFV) to celebrate World Day for Farmed Animals. LINK here for details.
The Buckingham Friends Peace Fair
Saturday, September 17th, 10:30am – 4:00pm
5684 York Road, Lahaska, PA 18931
At the peace fair we talked with 60+ people and we’re convinced many walked away feeling inspired to make a change (or at least think about it!).