Have you ever felt uncomfortable, awkward or misunderstood? Talking about veganism is hard but remaining silent feels even worse. If you’re vegan, you’ve decided to push against the status quo and you’ve likely faced some resistance. I’m Anne and I’m an expert in the art of Compassionate Conversations.
Conversations with a Friendly Vegan is a philosophy and a framework that integrates the compassion inherent in veganism into our communication with other people. My mission is to shift the focus of vegan advocacy from conflict to connection by applying self-compassion, empathy and nonviolent communication. I want you to be able to confidently speak up in a way that non-vegans can hear. In this way, our compassionately expressed disagreements can actually bond rather than divide us.
Available Now
- Monthly Zoom Meetings organized by The Vegan Spirituality Group of Philadelphia to learn and practice the approach.
- Newsletter – Subscribe for updates, tips and inspiration.
- Dear Anne – Write directly to Anne at anne”at”conversationswithafriendlyvegan.com to ask how to address your specific concerns.
- The PAUW Project – Every wonderful thing begins with an idea. Your participation in this special project is critical. Share your vision of a Post-Animal-Use World (PAUW).
- Check out my blog page for posts on the emotional and psychological aspects of being vegan in a predominantly non-vegan world.
“Every meeting with Anne on how to BE a “Friendly Vegan” is a consultation with an expert on how to extend to all humans the kindness we so readily extend to all animals. This can be surprisingly hard to do because it’s easier to feel angry and defensive, and try to demonstrate how right we are. You have to check your reflexes and expectations at the door. Or not, and be treated to what across-the-board kindness looks like as Anne stays steadily engaged in your conversation without descending to adversarial behavior. It’s like simple relational magic, and it’s the balm our feverish polarization needs these days. I go back month after month to watch my hominid aggressions dissolve. Kindness, it turns out, is the world’s most effective emotional detergent.”
Dave, Zoom participant
“I met Anne at a Peace Fair about 5 years ago. We were at adjoining tables – me with Vegan Spirituality Group of Philadelphia; Anne with Conversations with a Friendly Vegan. I was immediately struck with the simplicity and wisdom of what she was offering. I’d been vegan for over a decade when I met Anne and didn’t realize how much I needed what she was offering. I’d found a community in VSG of Philadelphia for which I was incredibly grateful, but Anne was addressing specific needs for those on a vegan journey. Until I went vegan I had no idea about the pushback, and sometimes outright hostility I would experience. Anne’s program has given me tools and the opportunity to practice conversations while I continue to navigate the sometimes rocky shoals of being vegan in a largely non-vegan world. Anne is creative, smart, fun and tireless in her efforts to smooth our paths.”
Suzanne, Vegan Spirituality Group of Philadelphia
“From the first time I met Anne I was impressed with her caring, authenticity and knowledge. Anne brings much wisdom through her experience and heartfelt commitment. It’s great to have a place to come to with kindred spirits during our monthly Vegan Spirituality gatherings. They are a gift!”
Barbara, Zoom participant