or, How to Enjoy the Holidays while Vegan. As the holiday season approaches, vegans tend to get a little preemptively anxious about the many festivities …
Accidentally “Naan” Vegan
My daughter, Gracie, and I love treating ourselves to Indian take-out, especially since the vegan options are plentiful. On New Year’s Eve, we ordered all …
Compassion for a Sociopath?
A few weeks ago, in early December 2021, my next-door neighbor was killed in a fire that was intentionally set by his stepdaughter’s boyfriend. That …
Let’s Play!
I’m writing this on January 2, 2022, with my attention predictably focused on resolutions. I have a process for developing goal-oriented, measurable resolutions but this …
Meat Makes Me Sad
Sometimes being around people eating meat stresses me out. Here’s how I responded to a zoom participant who asked for support and guidance with this …
Being Vegan is Emotionally Confusing or Why Marshmallows Bum Me Out
Yesterday, October 28, 2021, a man tried to give me a bag of marshmallows. The employees of a local factory decided to walk around town …
Am I a good person?
Is it possible for a question to be both simple and mind boggling? For me, the question of whether or not I am a good …
Vegan in the World
Communicating with others on important topics where we disagree is challenging. Often, we avoid hot topics but, unlike religion and politics, veganism is impossible to avoid. Veganism touches every aspect of our lives and to push it to the realm of an off-limits topic is to hide who we are from the rest of the world. For me personally, this felt akin to living a half-life where I am isolated and disconnected from other human beings. Luckily, communication strategies can be taught. They are simple and, while they may not come naturally, they can be learned. In developing the Friendly Vegan approach, I draw from Counseling Psychology, the work of Marshall B. Rosenberg, PhD on Nonviolent Communication and I encourage a meditation practice. With education and practice, you can (among other things), learn to recognize your triggers, find inner and outer validation, and engage in fulfilling conversations.